Spring 2023
This final assignment challenged us to create a movie poster based off of a fictional movie theme and description. I chose the alien invasion movie theme in which a group of college students stumbles upon the wreckage of an alien spacecraft. We were required to use a minimum of 10 different Photoshop skills after compiling our images to create our poster. The individual images I used were the alien image, the creepy human image, the silhouettes of people (the students), the background scenery with the hillside, an image of a starry night, and an image of a spacecraft. Editing skills were used to combine them all into a believable movie poster!
 For my poster, the tools and techniques I used to achieve my final result were: moving content from one document to another, blending multiple images together using brushes and gradients on a layer mask, removing elements using content-aware fill, removing elements in an image with the spot healing tools, duplicating elements using the clone stamp tool, hand-painting elements in the image, using selections and a layer mask to remove parts of an image from the composition, using layer masks to apply a change or effect to only one part of an image, implementing smart objects, creating, saving, and refining selections, using the select and mask properties, using layer fills and opacity adjustments, using layer blending modes, adding layer effects, applying fill and adjustment layers, adding a curves and levels adjustment layers, implementing blur gallery filters, and using clipping masks. 
I am most proud of this project and the work I put into creating it! I think that it looks the most 'real' out of all of my school assignments. Of course, I don't believe A24 would ever make a film like this, but their logo looked nice! I also had fun playing around with gradient maps and adding a slight halftone filter to my poster composition. 
Final Digital Poster
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