Spring 2023
Photo: Frank Ching, Unsplash.com
Photo: Frank Ching, Unsplash.com
This assignment challenged us to take a modern image and make it appear older. For my project, I wanted to replicate the look of a distressed and worn photo from the seventies era, a photo that's also been left out in the sun for a little bit! We were required to work within a certain color profile and mode and we had to implement filters, layer blending modes, and layer opacity adjustments among other tools and skills to achieve a more aged appearance. 
With having to put a date stamp on our photo as well, the 70s era made sense to replicate as the seventies were when some of the first film cameras came out with date stamping abilities; I believe Canon was the first. With my particular date stamp, I was trying to replicate the color and format that this old and obscure film camera called the Yashica Diary uses for its date stamping. On a lot of old film photos, the date stamp is a bit blurry and doesn't lay perfectly on the image, so I duplicated the text layer, offset it a bit from the original, added motion blur, and set the blending mode to screen to achieve this effect! Overall, I used a lot of adjustment layers to target colors, added a subtle worn film texture, added more grain and texture with filters, and added some overall blur to the image. 
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