Fall 2023
This project challenged us to design a brochure that could be purely informational about the company, or it be created for a special purpose such as an open house, workshop, special event, etc. The front cover could not contain any text aside from our logo. We had to include a business reply mail panel that included a coupon of some type. The inside panels needed to include a hand-drawn map, headline, subheads, and at least one paragraph of copy following each subhead. This brochure could be full CMYK color. 
Research + Brainstorming
I had so many ideas for my brochure that I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to advertise some sort of event or something related to a possible new exhibit at the Exploratorium. I ended up landing on a "Mad Scientist Day" community event. Once I settled on the concept, I started brainstorming the specifics of the event, like which workshops and activities would be offered, as well as headlines. In my brochure research, I tried to find museum-specific examples, especially those with maps. 
Sketches + Doodles
During my sketches, I realized how time-consuming this project would be. By far, the brochure contained the most amount of information within the smallest area. Since I was going to be advertising the Mad Scientist Day event, I decided I wanted to include information about 5 different workshop stations that would be a part of the event, so I tried to just get a general idea of where I could place each of these five paragraphs with accompanying images.
I quickly realized that there was no way I could actually fit five paragraphs of workshop information within two panels of this brochure along with everything else that needed to be included. At the very least, I got a better idea of the images I wanted to use and where I could place my map. 
Intermediate Compositions
At this stage, I realized that I didn't want to mess with curving my type or having two images on the cover. 
Final Hand Composition
Black + White Computer Progressions
I was so short on time by this point, and I wasn't really vibing with any of the design. I knew I was trying to cram too much content into this particular design, so retrospectively I don't know why I didn't remove or shorten more things. 
Color Studies + Applications
I didn't have time to do any significant color studies for the initial design, so I had to turn in the very first version. I was able to test out some more applications on the updated design.
Final Brochure
This final version came a long way from my original design. The original brochure design I turned in for the pre-critique was a mess, and the colors I used looked like Halloween threw up all over everything. I'm so glad I found the time to revise and refine the design. Toning down the typography and the branding colors made for a much more visually pleasing brochure. I also think it was a good call to remove some images, take the map away from the corner, and change the coupon slogan (among many others)!
Final Assembled Brochure
I forgot to take a photo of my final assembled brochure before turning it in for the final presentation and didn't have the correct paper to reprint one in time, so this version contains a few minor spacing and placement issues. 
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